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From the desk of J. Ellis Blaise October 2024

Writer's picture: Esialb23Esialb23
Bi-monthly newsletter

Autumn greetings!

I just returned from a trip to Colorado, where my wife and I spent a week in a Yurt, my niece got married, and my son and I (see picture below) hiked over the Rockies!

This will be the final newsletter of 2024. I'm taking some time to rework the website under my real name, James Salimes. The new website will be ready January 2025. At that time I will continue with a monthly update/spiritual gleanings, an online bookstore, and reviews from books I have read, while continuing to promote Treasure In A Field. I will share more poetry and keep you posted on a spiritual book that I have been working on entitled, Sacred Weavings.

While hiking through the mountains, my son and I were talking through book II of Treasure In A Field. I have started writing a prequel to the trilogy, and originally planned on finishing that before returning to the trilogy. However, during our conversation, we discovered how the prequel can tie in with book II. Good news! It excites me to see it come together!

Books I've been reading? The Slow Regard of Silent Things, by Patrick Rothfuss. Patrick's poetic ways have me longing for the final book in the King Killer Chronicles. I recently finished The Promise of Paradox, A Celebration of Contradictions in the Christian Life, by Parker Palmer. This book has put language to feelings for which I did not have words.

See you in January! Peace to you!

J. Ellis Blaise (aka James Salimes)

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